Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction

1) These Terms and Conditions determine the rules of use of the CVloop.com website. It defines the rights and obligations of users and the administrator of the service.

2. Definitions

1) Rules and Regulations - this document defines the rules of using the CVloop.com website.
2) Service - an Internet service operating in the CVloop.com Internet domain, which is owned by the Company.
3) Company - OSG IT Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw, 9 Stężycka Street, a company which owns and administers the Service.
4) User - a person who uses the services offered by the Website via the Internet.
5) User Account - individual, registered by the user electronic account in the Service identified by a unique, chosen by the user login and password, being at the same time an entry in the Service user database.
6) Order - an individually completed on-line form containing a set of services selected by the user.
7) Resume / CV - a set of personal data entered by the User, presenting in particular his/her personal data, contact details, education and professional experience.
8) Service of the Service - persons working in service of the Service or other persons acting under the authorization of the Company.

3. General principles

1) CVloop.com is an internet service that enables its users to create and present individual Resume, CV, Incentive Letters within the functionalities made available by the Service.
2) Services offered by the Service may be free or payable.
3) A User of the Service may be only an adult natural person having full legal capacity or having the consent of a statutory representative, acting in person or by proxy.
4) The Website reserves the right to any modification of the functionality and services offered, as well as to change the rules of operation, in particular the cessation of activity. As a result of such actions, the User is not entitled to any claims against the Company.
5) The administrator of personal data collected in the Service is the Company. Personal data is processed in a manner consistent with the provisions of law applicable to the country of registration of the Company.
6) The User consents to the processing of his/her personal data for the purposes of providing services, marketing, recruitment and other purposes by the Service, its partners and cooperating and third parties, by ticking the appropriate consent boxes during registration.
7) In particular, personal data stored in the Service may be processed for recruitment purposes carried out by the Service or its partners and third parties.
8) Any errors and problems related to the normal functioning of the Service The User undertakes to report them via e-mail info@cvloop.com.
9) The user has the right to access his/her data and receive a copy of it, the right to rectify his/her data, the right to delete data, the right to restrict data processing, the right to object to data processing, the right to transfer data, the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data.
10) Communication between the User and the Service takes place through the User Account or through the email address provided in the User Account registration period.

4. Registration

1) Registration of the User with the Service means acceptance of all the conditions contained in these Regulations, acceptance of the Privacy Policy and commitment to observe them.
2) In the event of non-acceptance of any of the terms of use of the Service specified in these Regulations, the User shall immediately delete his/her User Account from the Service and effectively inform the Service staff about this fact.
3) In order to delete your User Account, you should send an e-mail to info@CVloop.com with a request to delete your account. The message must be sent from the e-mail address provided during registration.
4) During registration the User chooses a unique login, through which he will be identified in the Service database. Once selected, the login cannot be changed.
5) During the registration, the User creates an individual password to his profile. The only person who knows the password is the User. The User is responsible for safe storage of the password and undertakes not to pass the password to third parties.
6) The user declares that he has the exclusive right to use the e-mail address provided during registration or acts on the basis of a power of attorney.
7) The Service does not bear any responsibility for ineffective delivery of messages to the e-mail address provided by the User. In particular, if the address is incorrect, it belongs to a third party or the third software makes it impossible to deliver an e-mail.

5. User account

1) The Service User may create an individual User Account identified by a unique login selected during registration.
2) A User account created in the Service is created for an unlimited period of time.
3) The User's account may be deleted by the User, after the Service staff has been effectively informed via e-mail info@CVloop.com.
4) The Website reserves the right to delete a User's Account without giving any reason, in particular after a longer period of inactivity or in case of violation of the Website Regulations by a User.
5) The User undertakes to enter in his User Account true and personal information only. The input of data of other persons into your User Account is prohibited.
6) It is forbidden to create accounts and enter data of third parties without a proper power of attorney.
7) The user enters data in his User Account at his own responsibility and risk.
8) The User has the right to publish in the User Account pictures or graphic signs to which he has rights. It is forbidden to publish pictures or graphic signs of third parties and violating good manners or legal regulations. The Service reserves the right to remove photos and graphic signs without giving any reason, in particular at the request of third parties, to whom such materials relate.
9) The user undertakes to observe the copyrights, and in particular not to publish materials to which he does not have the rights. The Service reserves the right to remove materials that violate copyright or related rights, at the request of the owner of these rights, without informing the User about this fact.
10) The information provided by the User under the User Account is non-confidential. The User agrees to such publication of this information on the Internet within the services provided by the Service. In particular, this information may be available to persons using the Internet and to search engines.
11) A User may have more than one User Account in the Service.
12) It is prohibited to make the User Account available to third parties.
13) It is forbidden to use the User's Account for commercial purposes beyond normal use in accordance with the idea of the Service.

6. Use of the service

1) Any attempt to influence the stability of the Service is prohibited.
2) Any criminal and illegal activities are prohibited.
3) Any actions violating the copyrights are forbidden.
4) It is prohibited to publish false information within the User Account.
5) It is forbidden to publish information concerning third parties without a proper power of attorney.
6) All activities that may destabilize the operation of ICT networks, in particular the operation of the Service, are prohibited.
7) All activities that may adversely affect the image of the Website or the Company are prohibited.
8) It is forbidden to publish illegal content, in particular content of a pornographic nature, promoting violence and violating generally accepted customs and other legal regulations.
9) It is forbidden to use viruses, bots, worms or other computer codes, files or programs (especially those automating the processes of scripts and applications or other codes, files or tools).

7. Responsibility

1) The Service does not take responsibility for any interruptions in the service operation caused not by its fault, technological breaks or termination of its activity. In particular, the Service does not bear legal and financial responsibility for temporary or permanent exclusion of the Service.
2) The Service is not responsible for the content presented within the User Accounts. The person responsible for these contents is the User who is the owner of a given User Account. In the event that the Company is charged with any legal charges concerning the content, form or rights of the content introduced by the User, the User will indemnify the Company from any liability, legal and financial, and will bear the associated costs.
3) The User using the Service acts at his own risk. In particular, the Company shall not be liable for the disclosure of any information entered by the User within the User Account.
3) The User using the Service acts at his own risk. In particular, the Company shall not be liable for the disclosure of any information entered by the User within the User Account.
4) The User of the Website undertakes not to bind the Company in any disputes of a judicial or financial nature, in which the Company is not a party.
5) The Service does not bear responsibility for any losses resulting from correct or faulty operation of the Service, in particular for interruptions in its functioning.
6) The Company does not give any guarantees as to the proper functioning of the Service.
7) The Company undertakes to cooperate with authorized state authorities in case of actions against the User.

8. Online CV and CV generator

1) The user gets access to the CV generator after correct login to the User Account.
2) The user has the possibility to enter data into the CV generator through a system of web forms.
3) The Website provides the User with an individual web address where his or her online CV is stored.
4) The user has the right to enter and present data within his CV in any way and to any extent.
5) The user decides on the method of presentation of the online CV.

9. Final provisions

1) The Service reserves the right to change these Regulations without giving any reason. The User undertakes to follow the changes in these Regulations, in case of not accepting the changes in these Regulations he undertakes to stop using the services provided by the Service and delete the User Account.
2) Expiration or invalidity of individual points of the Regulations shall not cause expiration or invalidity of the remaining points of the Regulations.
3) Any disputes between the Company and you or any other person or entity will be settled by a court having jurisdiction over the Company's registered office.
4) The binding language of the Regulations is the official language applicable to the Company's headquarters.
5) In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.