Privacy policy

We process personal data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

1. Categories of data processed

We process your email address and the data you voluntarily and knowingly enter into your user account, including your name, surname, address, telephone number, date of birth, educational data, work experience data, photos, internet protocol address and other data you enter.
Photographs are not processed by special technical methods that allow the unambiguous identification of an individual or confirmation of his or her identity and in this respect are not special categories of data.
We do not process special categories of personal data.

2. Storage period of personal data

Personal data will be stored until the user exercises the rights listed below in the paragraph „Rights of the data subject”.
If the basis for the processing of personal data is consent, then personal data is processed until the consent is revoked. After revoking the consent, for a period corresponding to the statute of limitations for claims that can be made by the data controller and that can be made against the data controller.

3. Purpose and scope of personal data processing

Your personal data is processed for the purpose of providing services.
Personal data is processed on the basis of the user's voluntary consent given during account registration.
The user may additionally agree to receive commercial information by electronic and traditional means, including the use of telecommunications terminal equipment, for direct marketing purposes.
The data is processed for marketing, technical and statistical purposes of third parties, including those interested in advertising their own products or services.
The data may be used in recruitment processes, including those conducted by third parties.
Data may be processed for the purpose of sending newsletters containing commercial information of Advertisers and for profiling purposes consisting in building consumer segments based on reactions to given marketing content. Segmentation allows us to adjust advertising content to the individual interests of users, thus allowing us to avoid unwanted advertising content.

4. The right to access and change personal data

The user realizes his right to access his personal data by logging in to his account, where all the data he entered are presented. Thus, the data can be modified to any extent.

5. Categories of entities to which data processing may be made available, entrusted with the processing of data

We have entrusted or may entrust personal data to our technology partners, i.e. entities that provide us with services such as hosting, sending e-mails, SMS messages, call-center services and provide statistical services, social networking services and software development and maintenance.
Moreover, the data can be entrusted to partners who support us in the recruitment and advertising campaign implementation processes.
The data may also be made available to law enforcement and public administration authorities in legally justified cases.

6. Transfer of data to a third country

Data is processed within the European Economic Area.

7. Rights of the data subject

The data subject has the right to access his or her data and to receive a copy of it, the right to rectify his or her data, the right to delete the data, the right to restrict data processing, the right to object to data processing, the right to transfer the data, the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data.

We answer your questions in this regard within one month. However, if this is not possible for technical or procedural reasons, or due to the number of questions, we respond within three months.

The administrator of personal data is OSG IT sp. z o.o. in Warsaw, 9 Stężycka St.,

Cookie policy

1. The Website does not automatically collect any information, except for information contained in cookies.

2. Cookies (so-called „cookies”) are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored in the final device of the Service User and are designed to use the Website's websites. Cookies usually contain the name of the website from which they come from, the time they are stored on the terminal equipment and a unique number.

3. The entity that places cookies on the final device of the Service User and obtaining access to them is the Operator of the Service.

4. Cookies are used for the purpose:

- adjusting the content of the Service's web pages to the User's preferences and optimizing the use of the web pages; in particular, these files allow to recognize the Service User's device and properly display the web page, adjusted to his individual needs;
- create statistics that help to understand how Service users use the websites, which allows to improve their structure and content;
- maintaining the Service User session (after logging in), thanks to which the User does not have to re-enter his login and password on each subpage of the Service;

5. Two basic types of cookies are used in the Service: „session” cookies (session cookies) and „permanent” (persistent cookies). „Session” cookies are temporary files that are stored in the User's terminal device until the User logs out, leaves the website or turns off the software (web browser). „Persistent” cookies are stored in the User's terminal equipment for the time specified in the parameters of the cookies or until the User removes them.

6. The following types of cookies are used in the Service:

- „necessary” cookie files, enabling the use of services available within the Service, e.g. authentication of cookie files used for services requiring authentication within the Service;
- cookies used to ensure security, e.g. used to detect abuses of authentication within the Service;
- „performance” cookies, enabling the collection of information on how to use the Website's websites;
- „functional” cookies, enabling remembering the settings selected by the User and personalizing the User's interface, e.g. in the scope of the selected language or region from which the User comes from, font size, website appearance, etc;
- „advertising” cookies, which allow to provide Users with advertising content more suited to their interests.

7. In many cases, the software used to browse the web pages (web browser) by default allows you to store cookies in your terminal equipment. Users of the Website can change the settings for cookies at any time. These settings can be changed in particular in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the settings of the Internet browser or inform about their placement in the User's device each time. Detailed information about the possibilities and ways of handling cookies are available in the settings of the software (Internet browser).

8. The Operator of the Website informs that restrictions on the use of cookies may affect some functionalities available on the Website.

9. Cookie files placed in the final device of the Website User and may also be used by advertisers and partners cooperating with the Website operator.